Welcome To Athena DexFi Community

meanwhile, I want to thank you for being here. :heart:

The project is big and we need all the help we can get. A brilliant idea can make the difference between success and failure. The whole community can give ideas and lend a hand to the project to get it off the ground. I trust each of you. :muscle:

The more you use the forum, the more you will automatically level up. Through this forum you can propose new ideas and put them to a vote. This will guarantee that the changes go in the direction that the community wants… Use the forum to ask for help or clarification and to have info on the presale and smart contracts published on athenadexfi.io. :sunglasses:

Thanks from Athena DexFi :heart:
CEO Alessandro Tenentes

Are you happy to be here?
  • I am very happy to be in this project. you can count on me. thank you
  • I’m here out of curiosity and I still don’t understand everything about it, but it looks nice
  • not very much. I don’t like many things
0 voters

:heart: :boom: :dizzy: :u6307:
Thanks to this forum each user can create a new topic to make proposals.
Each user has a rank that levels up automatically depending on how much he uses the forum. Higher ranks unlock new features (an example is to create polls with votes).

in your profile (preferences - interface) you can set the interface language.

DO NOT SET the “Content Languages” otherwise it does not show you the posts translation in other languages)

:sunglasses: :heart: :boom: :+1:
To create a new proposal, go to the home page and press + New Topic

:secret: :heart_eyes: :speak_no_evil: :muscle:

@Ands Sei il mio primo tag :grin: :heart:

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@A_Tenentes c’è la prima volta per tutto :grin: :heart:

@A_Tenentes anche i secondi però sono forti :smiley:


Buongiorno a tuttii :wave: :wave: :wave:

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Ciao @Chris_Cryptoinvest benvenuto! :wave:

Ciao ragazzi ascoltate qualcuno sa come sta andando lo sviluppo del progetto??
e quando verranno rilasciati i token e la piattaforma??
poi una cosa io seguo sempre anche su twetter e sembra ci siano dei problemi col sito ce me lo fa vedere ma ti chiede se vuoi visualizzarlo perchè e stato oscurato per attività sospette, te eri già accorto ?? @A_Tenentes

Ps: dobbiamo accrescere un pò la commuty ehh

No il sito. Twitter oscurato per attività sospette, io credo che è stato il maledetto giveaway, troppa gente ha spammato Athena e non l hanno presa bene :frowning: stiamo provando a risolvere. :frowning: :frowning:

Ahh okk infatti volevo avvertirti perchè chi entrasse per la prima volta a visitare il vostro twitter potrebbe pensare male :smiley:

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risolto :slight_smile: Twitter ci ha riattivato l account. incidenti di percorso :smiley:

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Hello I’ve got allot of questions about this project I’m 100 behind it and I want to invest heavily I. It but it’s saying through tokensniffer and several other sites that you haven’t renounced ownership of the token which in all my previous experiences screams “rug pull” can you explain why ownership hasn’t been renounced